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Trinity United Methodist Church is an inclusive multi-cultural faith community with a long history of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Trinity is one of the oldest Methodist congregations in San Antonio. Originally a Methodist Episcopal Church, Trinity was located in downtown San Antonio across from the Travis Park Methodist Episcopal Church South. When the northern and southern branches of the church reunited in 1939, Trinity relocated to the Beacon Hill neighborhood. In 1960, the congregation responded to a call to relocate to its current location in the Medical Center.
All of this movement is indicative of Trinity's willingness to take the gospel to the people. We will do whatever it takes and go where ever God leads to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Numbers 11:23 asks “Is the LORD’s power limited?" (NRSV). The people of Trinity believe the answer is no; God's power is not limited and neither is God's grace. At Trinity, we believe there is enough grace to go around and it is not our job to figure out who is or is not worthy. We are all broken people in search of healing and wholeness. Therefore, we warmly welcome all people into our faith community.