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Welcome Guest


Thank you for your interest in Trinity United Methodist Church. We would love to have you as our guest any Sunday, or contact the church office during the week to set up a guided tour.  Everyone is welcome at Trinity, and when we say everyone that is exactly what we mean. Here are a few things you might like to know before your first visit:


to Trinity

When you arrive...


  • The Worship Center is accessible from either the Newcome or Wurzbach parking lots.

  • Adult Sunday School classes are held via Zoom (Thursdays at 3:00 pm) and in person (Sundays at 9:15 am) in the parlor. 

  • Godly Play is in the Null Building.

  • Please come to the welcome station in the worship center where a greeter will be happy to welcome and assist you.

Worship Times...

Service  10:00 AM

What to expect...

When arriving at Trinity you can expect a friendly greeting and a warm welcome. We are a casual sincere community of people engaged in a faith journey together.   At Trinity we believe in vibrant multi-sensory worship, serious Bible study, and meaningful community engagement. 

What to wear....

The rule at Trinity is be who you are and wear what you wear!  Some folks like to "dress up for church" and others prefer the "casual look". The main thing is to be comfortable.

mans outfit and shoes

Click on the blue box  to learn more about what United Methodists believe. 

Trinity United Methodist Church | 6800 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78240 | 210-684-0261 

(Business office hours:  MON-THURS 11AM-2PM.  Appointments are welcome.)

© 2015 Trinity United Methodist Church. Proudly created with

Trinity United Methodist Church is a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) EIN 74-2674112

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