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Palm Sunday

Palm Tree Leaves

Palm Sunday is the day the church celebrates Jesus' the triumphant entrance to Jerusalem. The crowds greeted him with waving palm fronds and shouts of loud hosannas. We will do the same. Join us for a celebratory time of worship. 


Maundy Thursday 


Maundy (from the Latin mandatum: commandment) Thursday is the day we remember and celebrate the commandment to love one another. On this day Jesus gathered with his disciples for the last time before he was arrested. He washed their feet as a demonstration of what it means to love. Join us on this night for a slightly different twist on the foot washing service. 


Good Friday

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On this Friday we remember the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Worship on this night centers on a solemn retelling of Jesus' journey to the cross. The sanctuary has been stripped of all adornment and the lights are dimmed. We gather and leave in silence. We acknowledge that for a moment the light went out of the world as we look forward to Sunday and the resurrection. 


Trinity United Methodist Church | 6800 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78240 | 210-684-0261 

(Business office hours:  MON-THURS 11AM-2PM.  Appointments are welcome.)

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Trinity United Methodist Church is a non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) EIN 74-2674112

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