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Palm Sunday 2020 Trinity Online

Palm Sunday 2020 Trinity Online

A service for Palm/Passion Sunday 2020 recorded at Trinity United Methodist Church in San Antonio Texas. Officiant: Rev, Bob Clark Organist: Layne Kerley Music Leader: Jason Brown Reader: Ashley Dulin Young girl: Xitlali Martinez Dulin AV Tech: Jared May Camera: Donna Clark Filmed on Location at Trinity UMC San Antonio, Texas Passion Song Verse 1 I was with Him when He rode into town And the crowds gathered round Him like a King Their smiling faces joined a sea of branches waving Though they were masquerading in the end Chorus 1 And my heart rose in my throat When I heard them sing Hosanna in the highest Oooh oooooh O oh Verse 2 We went upstairs broke the bread and drank the wine From the only living vine that we would taste And I watch them take Him up the mountainside Where He was crucified though innocent And they mocked Him and cursed Him with their mouths And told Him to come down if He was God Chorus 2 And my heart broke in my chest When I heard Him say Forgive them it is finished Oooh oooooh O oh Bridge I remember in the garden When He sweat like drops of blood And how He begged the Father Just to let Him pass the cup I can still feel the anguish When they pierced Him in the side And how the ground beneath us shook Upon the very moment that He died Oooh ooh oh oh oh Verse 3 Three days later we found an empty grave And the stone was rolled away where He had been Chorus 3 Tears of joy streamed down my face For the angel said Oh fear not He is risen Oh fear not He is risen Oooh ooh ooh oooh oh oh oooh CCLI Song # 6456076 Sean Carter | Tyler Ellison © Tent Peg Music (div. of New Nation Music [Admin. by Music Services, Inc.]) Carter, Sean CCLI License # 2540445
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Trinity United Methodist Church | 6800 Wurzbach Rd. San Antonio, Texas 78240 | 210-684-0261 

(Business office hours:  MON-THURS 11AM-2PM.  Appointments are welcome.)

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